Remote LEarning:
private education
2024-2025 academic year
Tuition: $3,500
Payment plans available
Kindergarten / 1st grade
Morning sessions
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
2nd / 3rd grade
Afternoon sessions
12:15 pm - 4:15 pm​
Academics & Curriculum
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills can be viewed here:
Curriculum: Reading Horizons
Curriculum: Eureka Math
First day of school
Monday, August 14
Last day of school
Thursday, May 16
Student Holidays
Labor Day- September 4
Fall Break- October 9-10
Thanksgiving Break- November 20-23
Winter Break- December 25-January 8
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day- January 15
President's Day-February 19
Spring Break- March 11-14
Easter Weekend- April 1
Total school days
Total academic hours

Private education through Ready. Set. Grow. is meant to be the sole education your child needs for the academic school year. We will have a structured, 4-hour time period, in a small group setting where we will dive deep into each subject area. We will learn all Texas State Standards of your child's grade level within the school year. My vision for private education is that your child will be able to enter any public or private school and excel in all subject areas.
Payment Options:
Semester: $3,750/ semester (August/January)
Quarterly: $1,875/ quarter (August, November, February, May)
Monthly: $750/ month for 10 months (August- May)